Sunday, August 21, 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Market America acquires!

Here's an excellent summary article about what Madsen Medical Spa's Market America web portal can mean for easier access to health & wellness info,
as well as cash back for the things you already buy online (that you probably weren't getting before)

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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Another FAT THAT FIGHTS FAT revealed!  (click here to read about and even purchase CLA today from Madsen Medical Spa!)
Here's a breakthrough article by nutritionist Josh Bezoni (welcome news as we head into this New Year and try to shed some unwanted holiday fat!):

    "Josh, I heard about some new fat loss 'miracle pill' that is actually made of a special fat that helps you burn more body (and belly) fat I also heard that a lot of celebrities use it when they need to get in shape quickly before a movie or event. Is this true or is this a big scam? I really want to start getting slim and this sounds like something that would work for me."--Vicky M. Des Moines, Iowa (Via Email)


    Vicky, as odd as it sounds, the "designer fat" you are talking about is VERY real and VERY exciting.

    Here’s the story on it:

    Before the recent carb-cutting craze, many experts suggested that the best way to lose fat was to stop eating fat. There are many good reasons for this. For example, fat is the most calorie dense macronutrient (carbs and protein contain 4 calories per gram, while fat contains 9 calories) and cutting calories, in general, can help you battle the bulge.

    However, many of these experts are eating their words AND their fat because one fat, in particular, is getting a great deal of attention from researchers, scientists, and supplement experts alike. That fat is called conjugated linoleic acid - better known as CLA.  (click here to read about and even purchase CLA today from Madsen Medical Spa!)

What Is CLA?

    While no supplement should be considered a "miracle-pill" as you’re already well aware (it’s important to start with a quality eating and activity program), CLA is earning a reputation for being the "next best thing."

    Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is a naturally occurring fatty acid found in trace amounts in 3 foods including cheese, butter, and beef. You need to know, however, that these foods do NOT typically contain enough CLA to have a positive fat loss effect because the CLA they contain is destroyed during processing. Fortunately, there is a way to purify and extract CLA into gel capsules so it contain the proper amounts to help your body naturally fight fat.

    In fact, one double-blind study, conducted by Thom Erling, Ph.D., gave one group a gel capsule full of CLA for breakfast, lunch, and dinner while a second group received a placebo (fake) gel capsule with nothing but regular vegetable oil in it. After three months, the CLA group enjoyed a 15 to 20% decrease in body fat compared to the placebo group (who didn’t get CLA), which experienced little change.

    According to another study, appearing in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a group of 180 overweight men and women lost 9% of their total body fat WITHOUT altering what they ate or doing exercise over one year. Imagine their results if they had been eating smart and adding some activity to their day!

    But it gets even better… Ola Gudmundsen, managing director of Scandinavian Clinical Research conducted another study where 60 overweight people, who again, were NOT allowed to change their eating habits, were put on either a placebo or CLA for 12 weeks. At the end of the 12 weeks, the subjects in the CLA group had lost over DOUBLE the amount of weight than the placebo group who didn’t take CLA. Most promising was that the researchers found the loss came primarily from body fat.

How Does It Work?

    Although researchers are still trying to figure out this very question, the leading CLA researcher, Michael W. Pariza from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, suggests, "In a general sense, what CLA is doing is keeping little fat cells from getting big… perhaps by blocking certain enzymes that let fat cells swell."

    You see, fat (that you eat), normally enters the fat cell through a "door" controlled by an enzyme that acts as a "key." By acting on this enzyme (or key), CLA may keep the door locked, which, in turn, keeps fat from accumulating in the cells. The less fat in the cells, the smaller and less mature they become, helping reduce the overall levels. The increased breakdown of fat helps fuel and preserve muscle mass, which increases metabolism.

    Regardless of how it works, research shows that CLA is very safe to use because it’s naturally occurring. It’s even found in trace amounts in foods like cheese and meats… but not in high enough amounts to have a positive effect.

    For best results, researchers suggest an effective amount of CLA for dropping body fat is 3,000 mg (3 grams) each day. This means you simply take one gelatin capsule with breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Your sagging jowl quick fix has arrived-without surgery!

Check out this Dr. Oz segment featuring injections of the durable (up to 18 months!), bio-compatible (your loose skin and thinning bones will love it and make good use of it) dermal filler, Radiesse, and what it can do for you @ Madsen Medical Spa.  Call today for your free consultation and learn about our fantastic New Year's Special! (425-656-8008)  We want to help you look more beautiful today!

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Monday, December 20, 2010

Laser Hair Reduction 101

Everything you ever wanted to know (and probably more!) about the science and technology of "Pain Free/Hair Free", the Soprano XL solution @ Madsen Medical Spa.
This is your quickest route to comfort, confidence, perhaps even a cool breeze!  "The best money I ever spent!" is a common expression heard among our many satisfied 
patients...We're making some incredible deals to deliver your terrific results...give us a call (425-656-8008) and we can show you how to give a "baby's bottom" a little 

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Major breakthrough in age management @ Madsen Medical Spa

Discover one of the major secrets to life extension (with higher quality of life) now exclusively available @ Madsen Medical Spa.  Call today
to learn about your telomeres and how we can help you keep them intact for a longer life.  Is it really all in the genes? Curious?  425-656-8008 

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